God saved the people

 “I’m happy the Queen is dead, she was racist as f**k”, said a co-worker of mine. I work at Urban Outfitters in Spitafields; East London, where there’s a lot of self-expression, freedom, and many different ethnicities. Working around young people like myself, it was educating to hear their thoughts and expressions on the death of the Queen.

It’s an uncertain time for the United Kingdom. There are different views. Some are happy. Some are sad. Us foreigners are shocked. How are we supposed to feel? Is there a right or wrong? 

Visiting Buckingham Palace on the day after the Queen's death was different. As a foreigner, you don’t know how to feel. At least I didn’t. There was some sorrow, but then there was some joy. The sorry was from the old. The joy was from the new. 

I went into work shortly after this. I shared that I was there for a class. My co-workers immediately rolled their eyes. It wasn’t a roll at me, but a roll at the Queen's death, and all the complicated stuff that went with it. 

It’s still an uncertain time for the United Kingdom. And… this is how the young Londoners feel, so shouldn't we listen to them? The future of this country. The smart ones. The ones that accept one another for who they are. The ones that get stared at for wearing whatever the f**k they want. The ones that don’t stare back, but just let you be. The ones that have no judgment, maybe just freedom…The Sex Pistols were right… “God Save the Queen”, well… on the 8th of September 2022, god saved the people from the Queen. 


editor’s letter for Zipped magazine